
Sunday 30 August 2009

The Music Entrepreneur

Case study: Richard Branson

Let's have a quick look at Britain's -
arguably - most famous entrepreneur.


Alternative bio
posted by Gavin Simpson at 16:49 0 comments

Week 1 - Introduction to unit

This unit takes the form of a project. Split into 3 parts, firstly you are required to carry out market research and from your findings you should be able to spot 'a gap in the market' for a product or service, which you should then produce a business plan for and 'test' &/or conduct a feasibility study for this product / service, and finally pitch your plan to a business angel (your lecturer) in a 'Dragons Den' style scenario.

See assessment paper below
posted by Gavin Simpson at 16:41 0 comments

Assessment Paper (all outcomes)

Entrepreneurship in the Creative Industries


Outcomes 1, 2 &3

You are required to investigate and engage in a personal enterprise within the Creative Industries.

This assessment is in 3 parts.

1. Developing market research strategies.
2. Researching potential enterprise ideas.
3. Demonstrating entrepreneurial skills.

You are required to select one of the following areas within The Creative Industries for study & assessment:

· Music
· Film & Video
· Advertising
· Leisure Software
· Radio & Television
· Performing Arts
· Publishing

*After selection your project / enterprise should centre on music within the chosen sector.

Part 1 - Market Research (outcome 1)

You are required to produce a strategy for conducting market research into a Creative Industries idea.

You should demonstrate / investigate (using traditional & internet) all of the following points in your assignment.

· Risk Analysis
· Interpretation of market information
· International perspective
· Market trends
· Research Strategies

This part of the assessment takes the form of a written assignment and should be word processed and approximately 1,000 words in length.

Part 2 – Research Potential Enterprise Ideas (outcome 2)

You are required to present potential enterprise ideas within the Creative Industries.

You should present potential enterprise ideas based on the findings from your market research. This should include a business plan.

You should demonstrate all the following points.

· Vision & creative idea development
· Financial & business structures
· Legal / ethical & regulatory issues that relate to your specific enterprise
· Planning strategies
· Self organisation

This part of the assessment takes the form of a written assignment and should be word processed and approximately 1,000 words in length.

Part 3 – Demonstrate entrepreneurial skills (outcome 3)

You are required to demonstrate entrepreneurial skills for a business proposal within the Creative Industries.

This assignment should include a business plan showing diagrams and/or slides.

You should also participate, wherever possible, in the running of your enterprise and make contact with real entrepreneurs directly.

The following points should be demonstrated.

· Leadership
· Negotiation
· Teamwork and communication
· Persuasion skills
· Time management
· Financial management
· Networking skills
· Intuitive decision making.

This part of the assessment takes the form of an oral presentation of approximately 15 minutes.

The assessment will be produced in your own time and should be submitted in stages so that your progress can be monitored and advice given before the final presentation.

Outcome 1 submission date: 28th September 2009
Outcome 2 submission date: 2nd November 2009
Outcome 3 presentation: 16th & 23rd November 2009

End of paper.
posted by Gavin Simpson at 16:39 0 comments