
Monday 26 October 2009


This may help you:

posted by Gavin Simpson at 03:51 0 comments

Sunday 4 October 2009

Week 6

Week 6 – Music Industry Entrepreneurs.

Student exercise

Please choose a music industry entrepreneur that interests you.

Using the Internet take 20 minutes to research their business background.

Compile a list of facts about your choice and be ready to discuss their successes and / or failures with the class. Try to pinpoint key decisions that led to these successes / failures. What did they do differently that set them or their business apart?

You may choose anyone that you feel was innovative. This could be a: record label boss, publisher, promoter, producer, technology inventor, producer, broadcaster, presenter, studio owner, venue owner, service provider etc...

Meanwhile, I will discuss your outcome 1 paper with you individually.
posted by Gavin Simpson at 15:44 0 comments